Saturday, May 31, 2014

Two's - Terrible or Terrific?

Especially with years of experience teaching two-year-olds, I have heard the phrase "terrible two's" a lot.  When you were born, I started a two year break from teaching two-year-olds.  I am ready for this year.  I am excited about this year.  You are learning so much!  You are experiencing the fussiness and whining of discovering that you want your own way.  But what an opportunity it is to teach you!  As you discover your own will, you are learning that God wants you to think about others.  You are learning that sometimes you have to wait.  And you are learning to take turns and be patient.  So many discoveries and so much wonder and excitement!  Each thing you learn adds to who you are.  The joy that God placed within you is growing.  Oh how I pray that never stops!  God can use you in so many ways to spread joy and His love to those around you.  You take such pleasure in simple things.  We love spending time with you.  And you have so many people that love you.  So as we jump into this year of you being two, I say it is "terrific two's."  It's a terrific time of learning, discovery, and lots of laughter.  No terrible two's here.  Opportunity?  Yes.  Growth?  Yes.  Tantrums?  Sometimes.  But we move on.  We learn.  We are in training.  The funny thing is that sometimes those tantrums teach Mama that something needs to change in my heart too.  It's that way for all of life.  God is shaping and molding us throughout life circumstances, and there is always more to learn.  I once heard a preacher say that every home needs a two-year-old for entertainment, and now I know why.  Jedidiah, you are so much fun!  And we love you so much!